Welcome to Global Academic Research Institute
Singapore 138527

Submission Guidelines

Abstract Template:

Title: [Your Title Here]

Authors: [Author 1 Full Name, Affiliation, Email] [Author 2 Full Name, Affiliation, Email] [Author 3 Full Name, Affiliation, Email]

Keywords: [List of Keywords]

Abstract: [Begin your abstract here. It should be a concise summary of your research, covering the following aspects:]

Introduction: Clearly state the problem or research question addressed in your study.

Objectives: Outline the objectives or goals of your research.

Methodology: Briefly describe the methods and approach used to conduct the research.

Results: Summarize the key findings of your study.

Conclusion: Provide a brief conclusion and discuss the implications of your findings.

Significance: Highlight the significance or contribution of your research to the field.

Keywords: [List of Keywords again, if necessary]

Full Paper Template:

Title: [Your Title Here]

Authors: [Author 1 Full Name, Affiliation, Email] [Author 2 Full Name, Affiliation, Email] [Author 3 Full Name, Affiliation, Email]

Keywords: [List of Keywords]

Abstract: [Include the abstract from the abstract submission or provide a brief summary of the paper.]

  1. Introduction: [Clearly state the problem, research question, or purpose of the paper.]
  2. Literature Review: [Review relevant literature and previous work in the field.]
  3. Methodology: [Describe the research design, methods, and procedures used in the study.]
  4. Results: [Present the key findings of the research. Use figures and tables as necessary.]
  5. Discussion: [Interpret the results, discuss their implications, and relate them to the research question.]
  6. Conclusion: [Summarize the main findings and their significance. Suggest areas for future research.]
  7. References: [List all references cited in the paper following the specified citation style (e.g., APA, MLA).]
  8. Acknowledgments: [Include any acknowledgments or gratitude to individuals or organizations that contributed to the research.]
  9. Author Biographies: [Provide brief biographies of each author, highlighting their academic and professional background.]
  10. Appendices (if applicable): [Include any supplementary material, such as additional data, charts, or graphs.]

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.