Welcome to Global Academic Research Institute
Singapore 138527


Our Vision is to Promote Innovation and Enhance Excellence through Research and Development.


Exploration of new research insights for enhancing creativity and innovation.

Core Values

Cultivating enduring research excellence through continuous improvement, knowledge exploration, creativity, innovation, and ethical standards.

Best Awarded Company

Elevating Ideas, Enriching Minds: Join the Experts' Journey at EAERC.
About us

Global Academic Research Institute

At EAERC, we drive academic excellence through innovative research and interdisciplinary collaboration. Our passionate team of experts is committed to pushing the boundaries of knowledge across diverse fields. As a dynamic research center, we foster an environment where ideas thrive and connections flourish. With a focus on groundbreaking discoveries, EAERC serves as a catalyst for shaping the future of education. Join us in the relentless pursuit of excellence, where expertise meets passion, and together, we contribute meaningfully to global progress.

Elevate Knowledge, Inspire Innovation

When creativity and innovation meet technology, events become unforgettable and brilliant experiences. Therefore, with great pleasure and honor, we invite you to join and be distinguished parts of where hungry, inspired, prestigious and ambitious minds gather. Our events are open to all scholars and professionals around the Globe. We believe that such events help in expanding your knowledge and discovering solutions to contemporary research problems through meeting experts and influencers face to face.

November 16-17, 2024 | Seoul, South Korea

International Conference on Novel Advancement in Business, Social Sciences & Humanities

December 21-22, 2024 | London

International conference on Cutting-Edge Engineering Technology and Applied Sciences

January 4-5, 2025 | Bangkok, Thailand

International Conference on Innovations in Economics, Sustainable Development, and Business Technologies

The Institute’s Strategic Objectives

Building a research hub between the middle east and the globe through establishing and fostering long-lasting partnership in the global research community.

Brilliance and distinction in scientific research & innovation.

Supporting corporate social responsibility in the local and global context.


Training and Development

We have a group of highly skilled and well-qualified experts who are very willing and interested in sharing their experience in terms of consulting, workshops, research, symposia, training courses, and conferences. To address the challenges and complicated needs that our societies always face, we highly believe that sharing experience is one of the best solutions that support civil society organisations, either in the public or private sectors, to improve and increase the productive capacities.
Workshops that we can deliver:
  • Get published in highly indexed journals (ISI/Scopus): Techniques and strategies
  • Learn how to write a research paper from A-Z.
Conference Tracks

Navigating Knowledge Frontiers: Diverse Tracks, One Destination.

We are seeking individuals to participate in the review process and chair sessions for the following tracks:

Social Sciences, Business Management, Economics & Humanities

Exploring the synergy of social sciences, business management, economics, and humanities, where diverse perspectives converge for holistic insights and innovation.

Engineering, Information Technology & Applied Sciences

Unveiling the future through breakthroughs in engineering, information technology, and applied sciences, where innovation meets real-world applications.

Medical, Medicine & Health Sciences

Navigating advancements in medical research and holistic health sciences for a transformative impact on well-being.

Our members

The Institute’s Free Membership

The centre membership platform has been commenced to achieve the vision of building research information easily accessible, to support research and academic institutions, societies academic, research groups and related entities, and to actively support the advancement and innovation in scholarly publications and provision of contribution of their representatives in International Conferences.

Membership Categories

  • INDIVIDUAL MEMBERSHIP: For Scientists, Researchers, Educators and Industry Professionals
  • INSTITUTIONAL MEMBERSHIP: For Universities, Research/Educational Institutions, Societies and Associations.
  • CORPORATE MEMBERSHIP: For Industries, Companies and Corporations.
Assist. Prof. Dr. Abbas Fadhil Aljuboori

Academic Rank: Vice President for Administration Affairs
Specialization: Computer Science, IT, Web Applications, Data Mining, IoT, Data Security, Smart Applications
Institute: University of Information Technology and Communication
Country: Iraq

Suhaidah Hussain

Academic Rank: Dean Faculty of Business & Management
Specialization: Business & Management/HR, Organizational Behaviour, Organizational Development
Institute: DRB-HICOM University of Automotive Malaysia
Country: Malaysia

Our Experts

Experts of Global Academic Research Institute

The experts of our centre are a group of international distinguished scholars who cover a spacious range of specialized areas. They have a great passion and true love for conducting and reviewing research. We are very much appreciated to their striving to make this centre one of the most reliable and trustworthy on research studies. We are very proud to list them down to you.
Do you want to be one of our experts who will be involved in all centres’ research activities? Fill the form attached below.


Our Partners

Building and fostering long-lasting partnership in the global research community is one of our main strategic goals. Since the establishment of our centre, we have collaborated with highly reputed institutions. As we strongly believe in the importance of knowledge sharing, we happily welcome all research and academic institutions for joint collaboration through our centre.

Padjadjaran University, Bandung, Indonesia

JTA - Jordanian Translators’ Association

The Euro-Gulf Information Centre (EGIC), Italy

Isam Kayed's Center for Translations, Training and Courses

Open Collaboration

We are open to collaboration! We are open for ideas!

What we look for!
One of our strategic objectives relies deeply on building and fostering long-lasting partnership in the global research community. This is to assert that our strong belief towards excellence is rooted in the importance of exploration, creativity, and innovation which can be only achieved by working together to discover, develop and deliver the best value of research for the community. We highly value collaboration and partnerships. We are open and welcome all new ideas of collaboration.

Ways to collaborate!

  • Research projects
  • Conferences and symposiums
  • Workshops
  • Publications
  • Corporate training
  • Corporate Social Responsibility

  • Curriculum Development
  • Learning and Innovation
  • Planning and Development
  • Standardization and Accreditation of Research processe
  • Education

If you are interested in collaborating with us, kindly fill in the following form and we will get back to you soon.

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)