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Call for Project

Title: Role of family involvement (Parents, Grandparents and Guardians): Exploring early childhood learning and development (Cognitive, emotional, social and psychological) through play and creativity in the context of United Kingdom & Pakistan.

The role of family involvement in early childhood development, focusing on how play and creativity influence cognitive, emotional, social, and psychological growth. It compares family engagement practices in two culturally different countries—Pakistan (a collectivist society) and the United Kingdom (an individualistic society)—to explore how these differences shape early childhood learning outcomes.

Objective: The primary objective of this research is to investigate the impact of family involvement, including parents, guardians, and grandparents, on early childhood learning and development through play and creativity. By examining Froebel’s educational principles of play and creativity, this study seeks to identify how family engagement influences child development in various dimensions and how these principles are implemented differently across Pakistan and the UK.

The study aims to:

  1. Define and explore the significance of family involvement in children’s learning.
  2. Analyze how family participation in play and creative activities enhances early childhood development.
  3. Compare the family involvement practices and their influence on children in two contrasting cultural contexts.
  4. Evaluate the long-term impact of family involvement on children’s cognitive, emotional, social, and psychological development.

Last date for submission project proposal is 5th November 2024

Send proposal on this email info@eaerc.com

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